Our Curriculum

adp students working in strength and conditioningTesting out the new coffee machine in Food technologyThe Year 8 Beginner Band

What is the aim of our curriculum?

The education program at our school aims to provide all students with a broad range of experiences in all curriculum areas and a firm foundation for future studies.

We value excellence so we also provide extension and enrichment programs that all students can access.

How do we deliver our curriculum?

Canberra High School follows the Australian Curriculum which clearly sets the goals for what all students should learn as they progress through different stages of schooling. Our classes are created using ability groupings which means that in every class, students with like abilities, interests and talents will be grouped in order to maximise opportunities for collaborative learning and academic growth. If you would like to better understand the Australian Curriculum and how it works for your child you can visit their parent information page at https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/parent-information/

How are courses developed and reviewed?

Our courses of study are developed in line with the National Australian Curriculum and  We also consult with our school community to decide on additional programs that meet the specific needs of our students.

What courses of study are offered?

We offer courses of study in: